Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Police Cannot Make Burger King Provide Food Faster

burger king drive thru bad serviceFrom a Burger King Drive Through on New Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach Blvd., Florida, a 66 year-old man called 911, when he found out that he was not being served lemonade with a burger. Jean Fortune got wild when the dispatcher told him that he will have to wait for 15 minutes for lemonade to get ready. According to Mr. Fortune, the dispatcher at the counter misbehaved and talked very rudely with him. He refused to give him food, until the lemonade was ready. When Mr. Fortune threatened the dispatcher that he will call 911, he said, “go ahead and do that”. In a state of anger Mr. Fortune called 911 for filing a customer service complaint. Mr. Fortune was charged with misusing 911 for this complaint and will have to appear in court.

According to defective products attorney "It is unlawful to call 911 for customer service complaints. People should realize that 911 is an emergency service number." Fleet phospho soda lawyers said "911 should be called only in life threatening conditions."

This incident does not speak well about Burger King Staff. When facing a reckless customer, a staff should behave responsibly and not incite a customer to dial the emergency number. The real test of behavior is at the time of crisis. Burger King needs to be careful about their customer service image and train their staffs better to be polite and courteous with a customer.


Anonymous said...

Yeah people in the United States should realize to contact these emergency services responsibly.

Unknown said...

the burger king is one of tasty of corner. all of item good taste the quality making. the healthy of security food.

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