Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Cutting Pregnant Women’s Wombs to Steal their Babies

women slaughterIn the city of Kennewick, a 23 year old woman stabbed a pregnant woman and cut her child out of her womb. The pregnant woman died and the suspect Ms Synhavong claimed the infant to be hers. Police investigated the case. According to the medical reports, Ms. Synhavong had not delivered the baby. The 27 year old murdered pregnant women, Ms Gomez died as a result of the chest wounds and the other wounds caused due to cutting of her womb.
This is not the first incident of a woman killing a pregnant woman to obtain her child. The cases of Tiffany Hall & Lisa Montgomery are other examples of homicides where the intentions were to steal a baby after cutting a womb. There were many grounds provided by the killers’ defense lawyers but failed to prove any evidence to support their mental illness. All these crimes were planned and committed in a normal state of mind. This video describes one of such brutal incidents.

There are various explanations for the psychologies & circumstances that play a role motivating someone to steal a child by cutting pregnant women’s wombs. Whatever be the psychological reasons to commit these crimes, these brutal incidents are a pregnant woman's nightmare. This can increase the fears and anxieties related to pregnancy.
I would like to warn you about various experiments people conduct on babies. This video shows how a teen tried to make a baby fly, by bouncing him from a pillow. This could have had a fatal result. The teen was arrested by the police and is in custody.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And people wonder why my wife and I are soo overprotective of our kids. Indian people are known for being overprotective and we thought we were not gonna be like this, but we are. Every single day there is some horrible news story about kids being abused or abducted.

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