Monday, December 29, 2008

15 Year Old Girl Accused of Two Homicides, Bronx

Homicide suspect Sharell Butler, Bronx
A 15 year old girl from Bronx, New York has been arrested as a suspect for two homicides. It is shocking to imagine the bad deeds hidden behind the innocent face of Sharell Butler. Her street name is “Lady Red”. Her first victim was 24 years old man, Christopher Umpierrie who was shot by her crime companion in an attempt of burglary. They broke in the house to steal cash and marijuana and shot Christopher to accomplish their mission.

On December 19th, John Hopkins Drago’s body was found cut into pieces and inside a garbage bag. A Bronx building superintendent found Hopkins Drago’s dismembered body stuffed in a garbage bag. It’s being suspected that “Lady Red” stabbed Hopkins Drago about 40-50 times on head and body. Hopkins-Drago's mother, Ann Marie Hopkins had adopted him from Russia. She was traumatized with this tragedy and said “He didn't deserve what he got; he's just an innocent kid.” The reason for his killing could have been killers’ suspicion that he would report about a burglary and drug trafficking to the police. Sharell Butler’s lawyer, Xavier Donaldson said “"She's just a 15-year-old girl and she's scared. She just wants to be with her mother right now."

Fort Lauderdale criminal defense attorney said “Sharell Butler is facing adult crime charges. Her murder trials will not be tried under the juvenile laws.” Lawrenceville criminal lawyer said “Her crime companion James Medina, 23, from Bronx was arrested for clearing the evidences of Hopkins Drago’s second degree murder scene.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooo sad! I have been reading about this story too.

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